Dr Bob Octovianus is a breast surgeon in Indonesia, one of the most populous countries in the world. With that comes many challenges. Limited resources, financial restrictions and cultural barriers. He also explains the lack of breast cancer awareness in the community leading to patients presenting to his clinics with locally advanced cancers.

This episode highlights the differences in health care provisions across the world. Certain things taken for granted in one country can be the reason why a different treatment decision is made in another.

Dr Bob was honest in sharing his experiences, not only the challenges that he faces, but also his triumphs. He is passionate to increase breast cancer awareness in Indonesia and for this he leverages the power of social media, especially Instagram. 

Do connect with Dr Bob on Instagram @AskBobRSOS.

Connect with me on Instagram @DrTashaG.

It was a fantastic conversation from which I learnt a great deal. If you want to have an insight into how breast cancer treatment is in a developing country, this is the episode to check out.

Happy listening.

Tasha x