Everything has changed. The way we live our lives, work and play. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is far-reaching and will no doubt be long-lasting.

The way we are living our lives has changed, we all have had to adapt, including how we work. As a breast cancer surgeon, I continue to go to the hospital and provide a breast cancer service as best as we can given the circumstances. 

In this podcast episode, I take you behind the scenes where I describe what I do in a typical snapshot of a week. You'll find out how so many things have changed, from what we do in clinics and the way we conduct them, to the impact the pandemic has on our operating capacity.

The format of this episode was different from the usual solo or interview episodes I normally put out. If you enjoyed listening to this please connect on social media. You can find me on Twitter or Instagram @DrTashaG and let me know if you want more of these types of 'behind the scenes episodes'.

You can also go to the show notes at https://mybreastmyhealth.com/episode14.

Thanks for listening and stay safe.

Tasha x