Self-betrayal is the result of conditional love— we learn to deny parts of ourselves to be loved not for who we are, but for the version others approve. You are worthy of being seen and loved. Invest in your well-being, happiness, satisfaction, and the ability to thrive in your day-to-day life. This is your time to find the Light!

Most of us have been conditioned to care about what people think rather than what we feel. Stop putting a strain on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being by worrying about others’ addictions and toxic lifestyles. Through suffering, we have the opportunity to evolve with positive changes. Are you eager to obtain a clear mind and fresh momentum to move forward in your life without fear and anxiety concerning the damaging issues of others? Every individual creates their own reality which is why no two people share the same experience. The challenge toward progress involves questioning your long-held beliefs to expand into a new version of yourself. Eliminate relationship confusion and chaos… with me, Etel Leit. Allow me to be your personal, transformation coach to help you uncover your detrimental patterns and equip you with positive psychology solutions to choose better for your peace of mind and true serenity. You deserve to discover your passion and pursue it! Free of chaos, worry, and darkness, into the magnificent light!

You can FINALLY understand your crying baby before they learn to speak.
Ease the Frustration with Dr. Etel Leit’s Exclusive Baby Sign Language with SignShine.

You know that feeling when your baby is crying, and you just cannot understand? You are frustrated, your baby is crying, and no one is happy.
Then, the guessing game starts: is he hungry? Is she tired? Maybe he has a wet diaper? Or she wants to be held?

The crying continues, the frustration increases, and everyone is tired!
We are here to help you! By learning 10 simple baby signs, you can start creating more understanding, meaningful conversations, healthy bonding, and incredible moments of easy communication.

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