Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Sam Julien This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Sam Julien. Sam’s course Upgrading Angular JS is a comprehensive video course to help people tackle the transition from Angular JS to Angular which was born out of his own pain and suffering from that process. He first got into programming when he was 8 or 9 and his robotics engineer uncle got him into old Mac computers and he would then hack around on them. They talk about what brought him back to programming, what made him want to specialize in Angular, and more! In particular, We dive pretty deep on: Adventures in Angular Episode 186Upgrading Angular JS courseAngular JS to AngularHow did you first get into programming?Uncle gave him his old Mac computersReverse engineering of computersBasic and ResEditTaught himself HTML at 12 years oldHTML was the thing that allowed him to actually create thingsCSS and JavaScript in collegeWhat was it like when you were first developing things?Didn’t understand JavaScript in the beginningDegree in ReligionWhat brought you back to programming?Worked for a brokerage originallyStarted mostly with C# and jQuery and then moved on to AngularWhat was it about Angular made you want to specialize in it?Fascinated by Angular and took the Code School course on itLoved how straightforward Angular wasMaking the most of the opportunities you’re givenThe welcoming aspect of the Angular communityAre there contributions to the community that you are really proud of?Writing for and TelerikRuns Angular Portland groupsTalking at Angular Denver and AngularMixWhat made you want to make your course?And much, much more! Links: Adventures in Angular Episode 186Upgrading Angular JSAngular JSAngularJavaScriptjQueryCode SchoolSam’s pageSam’s Telerik blogAngular Portland groupsAngular DenverAngularMix@samjuliensamjulien.comSam’s GitHub Sponsors: FreshBooksLoot Crate Picks: Charles Anti-pick: HOAsHome Depot tool rentalUtah Backyard Homesteading Facebook group Sam Learn Docker CourseNgColombiaArtemis by Andy Weir on Audible


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