Panel: Charles Max Wood

Guest: Justin Schwartzenberger

This week on My Angular Story, Charles speaks with Justin Schwartzenberger. Justin first got into programming when he was in Jr. College and took some classes on C and C++. He has always been someone who has been into technology and has loved playing video games since he was a kid. He got really excited about programming when he was messing around with web development. They talk about what brought him to Angular, what appealed to him the most about it, and what made him stick with it over the years.

In particular, We dive pretty deep on:

How did you first get into programming?
C and C++ classes in Jr. College
Always into technology
Loved video games since childhood
Math and logic always came easier to him
Wanted UI layer on top of C
Passion in writing and film
What was it about programming that got you excited?
Job as tech support at internet service provider
PHP development
Love the opportunity to build something real
How did you get into Angular?
Built an ERP system
What made you choose AngularJS over Durandal?
Leveraging TypeScript
What did you like about AngularJS?
Liked the idea of a single-page app
AngularJS gave them the whole package
What made you stick with Angular?
What have you done with Angular that you are particularity proud of?
Angular Air
Love teaching Angular to others
His PluralSight
Angular Playbook
Works for Nrwl
What are you working on now?
And much, much more!


Angular Air
Justin’s PluralSight
Angular Playbook
Justin’s GitHub



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