My African cliché of the day is an immigration form. To enter Laos in August 2019. There was a question about my race. I logically responded HUMAN.
Then I savored the astonishment of the immigration officer, then his embarrassed smile, and his exchange with his colleague and finally this silence so eloquent. I would have so wanted to explain to him in his language, that his race is also mine, and that the term black he was hoping for comes from the racialist ideology created by the Europe of the late-Renaissance in order to legitimize his attacks on Africa.

The term black, which condemned Yannick Nihangaza, this young Burundian student in Punjab, north of India, who had 9 months of coma, after being shattered by other students. And also others like Yohan, Koumba, Daouda, Mapaga Yanis, Guiira, almost lynched by a gang of young people in 2016 in New Delhi.
What race are these aggressors obsessed with fair skin? and who are you listening to, of what race are you?