I’m excited to be bringing the grant competition back this year.

The purpose of this grant is to help a new or new-ish music teacher launch their studio. The grand prize includes a $1000 cash grant and host of other tools, products, and training programs from our amazing sponsors, which include: Duet Partner, Fons, Cascade Method, Steve Hughes’ Virtual Piano Studio, Dynamic Doodle Co, and Alamo Music Center.

You’ve heard from the entrepreneurs behind several of these businesses already on the podcast and you know they are all huge champions of music teachers. I’m so honored to have their support.

You can find more details for the grant competition at musicstudiostartup.com/grant . That’s musicstudiostartup.com/grant

I often hear from music teachers who have aspirations to start nonprofit organizations or to have a non-profit component of their music schools. Their ideas are noble and awesome, but sometimes they never get very far off the ground because of the complexities that come with starting and maintaining an official tax-exempt organization, or 501(c)3, as it’s known here in the U.S.

Today's guests are going to talk to us about why that tax-exempt status is so important and introduce us to a little-known model that could be a game-changer for music teachers who want to make their community-oriented ideas become a reality.

For a full transcript of this episode, visit musicstudiostartup.com/episode100