Hi! It’s spring break here at Music Studio Startup headquarters, so I’m just jumping on the mic to give you some details on the 2022 studio launch grant competition. This program is for new and newish teachers who have been in business for fewer than three years. If this describes you - I hope you’ll apply. If it's not, I hope you’ll share this with anyone you know - a former student, your MTNA group, or your social media friends and followers.

We’re all about helping teachers launch successful careers here at Music Studio Startup and this grant is one way we get to do that. We’re joined by some amazing sponsors who are also huge champions of music teachers.

This year’s grand prize package includes a $1000 cash grant, funded by Music Studio Startup and Duet studio management software.

It also includes a year membership to the Cascade Method teacher training program created by the amazing Tara Boykin - who you might remember as the creator of NoteMatch, which we featured waaaaay back in Episode 007 of Music Studio Startup.

Stephanie Smith of Dynamic Doodle Co, which we featured in Episode 080 is giving the grand prize winner a $100 gift card to her shop of beautifully handcrafted teaching tools, stickers, buttons.

Steve Hughes of Virtual Piano Studio will be helping our grand prize winner up their technology game with a 1:1 technology session. Steve was featured in Episodes 033 and Episode 034.

And because no studio is complete without instruments, Alamo Music is generously setting our winner up with a $500 gift card toward instruments and accessories.

In addition to all those prizes, the grand prize winner will get startup coaching with yours truly through the next Business Building 101 course.

This prize package and the generosity of these sponsors has me super excited. I don’t know if you were adding up the value of that prize package as we went along, but there’s like $1600 of cash and gift certificates in there, plus the training program, consulting, and course. Incredible!

This grant competition is open to current college students who intend to open studios this year and studio owners who have been in business for fewer than 3 years and the deadline is May 15.

For all the details, go to musicstudiostartup.com/grant again, that’s musicstudiostartup.com/grant.

Don’t delay in getting those apps in. If you’re not eligible, hit that share button in your podcast app and send this to the first person who pops into your head.

That’s all for today. Thanks for listening! I’ll be back next week.

A full transcript and resources from this episode can be found at MusicStudioStartup.com/2022grantcompetitionannouncement.