Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is one of fungi’s most well known chemical analogues. Today we bring you a leading scientist, Dr. David Nichols who speaks to the history, chemistry, legality and so much more of this notable compound. 

 Topics covered:

David Nichol’s career pursuing psychedelic pharmacologyPatent litigation, especially with psychedelic constituents Lab testing for new psychedelic analogues in ratsBureaucracy of working with Schedule I substancesHow to synthesize LSDLSD’s physical characteristics, structure and fluorescenceWhat happens to the LSD molecule when you adjust minute aspects, and what that tells us about itselfStructural similarities and differences in an array of psychedelic molecules / chemical ‘templates’ for psychoactive compoundsNeuro-mechanics of LSD and other entheogenic compoundsEvolution and function of serotonin receptorsHPPD: Hallucinogen Persisting Perception DisorderTrepanation: how does it affect neurochemistry, if at all?NBOMes (N-benzyl methoxy): What is it and how does it work?Metabolizing LSD and related compoundsChirality in psychedelics, especially LSDListener questions

Show notes:

Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia feat. Dr. Nichols:

Hallucinogens (2004) :

DEA 222 -

Mapping the Mind Talk:

MAPS Talk:

Telluride Keynote presentation:

Leo Perutz & the Mystery of St Peter’s Snow:

Trepanation articles & video:;_1970)

Downloadable literature:

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