Dr. Ralph Esposito is one of the leading physicians in the field of testosterone optimization. Dr. Esposito gives us one of our deepest dives to date on testosterone, the negative effects of t replacement, environmental factors that effect testosterone, and the link between estrogens, testosterone and prostate cancer. 3:45- What is low testosterone? Do your T numbers matter or is free testosterone more important? 6:30- The importance of free testosterone. 8:15- What is DHT? Does it deserve it’s bad reputation? 10:00- The limits of testosterone therapy. What are the alternatives to testosterone replacement therapy? 13:45- Clomid to boost testosterone. 17:15- How important are androgen receptors in regards to testosterone? Are functioning receptors the key to test absorption? 19:45- SARMS to open androgen receptors. 21:10- HCG and boosting testosterone production. 24:45- The correlation between the prostate, testosterone and prostate cancer. 31:00- How to monitor your prostate health. 32:30- Methods to reignite testosterone production after years of use. 36:00- The importance of sleep for testosterone production. Studies find that quality sleep can have the same effect as replacement therapy. 38:35- Strength training to increase T levels. 41:00- The link between the libido and testosterone levels. What are the other factors that effect libido besides testosterone? 45:00- “Stop looking at porn and start meditating”. How porn can effect libido and become a supplement for stress relief. 49:00- Environmental and nutritional supplements to optimize testosterone. The detriments of phytoestrogens to your testosterone. 54:45- The importance of eliminating xenoestrogen toxins. 58:00- The actionables. Dr. Esposito’s tips that you can use every day to optimize your testosterone.