Muscle Expert Ben Pakulski & Dr Jacob Wilson Discuss Cardio for Fat Loss:

Dr. Jacob has an unparalleled dedication to the sport of bodybuilding, and has devoted the majority of his life to helping thousands of bodybuilders reach their goals. His academic achievements are vast, and include degrees in Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology, dozens of publications, and extensive experience teaching and public speaking. Sit back and learn from their muscle building knowledge in the realm of bodybuilding. Learn the optimal way to build muscle from these brilliant professionals

Highlights of the Podcast:

 - The best way to get shredded with cardio

- How to design an individual cardio protocol

- How to eat around your cardio workouts

- When you should be doing your cardio

- What type of cardio you should be doing and WHEN

- Personal insights to what BPAK has been doing for his cardio protocols

- The science behind what is optimal when it comes to cardio

- And much, much MORE!


Useful Links:

Muscle Expert Ben Pakulski & Dr Jacob Wilson Discuss Cardio for Fat Loss:

Dr. Jacob has an unparalleled dedication to the sport of bodybuilding, and has devoted the majority of his life to helping thousands of bodybuilders reach their goals. His academic achievements are vast, and include degrees in Kinesiology and Exercise Physiology, dozens of publications, and extensive experience teaching and public speaking. Sit back and learn from their muscle building knowledge in the realm of bodybuilding. Learn the optimal way to build muscle from these brilliant professionals

Highlights of the Podcast:

 - The best way to get shredded with cardio

- How to design an individual cardio protocol

- How to eat around your cardio workouts

- When you should be doing your cardio

- What type of cardio you should be doing and WHEN

- Personal insights to what BPAK has been doing for his cardio protocols

- The science behind what is optimal when it comes to cardio

- And much, much MORE!


Useful Links: