What you will learn on today's show:

- How to enhance your intra workout/post workout recovery protocol.

- The use of DI and TRI peptides vs BCAAs.

- Overcoming genetics.

- Bens favorite teacher.

- What BPAK and meadows are doing to bring up their backs and what they REALLY think is necessary around the workout to build muscle.

- And much much more...

If you haven't already, we would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking the link below! It would be extremely helpful to extend the reach of the show: Click Here

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What you will learn on today's show:

- How to enhance your intra workout/post workout recovery protocol.

- The use of DI and TRI peptides vs BCAAs.

- Overcoming genetics.

- Bens favorite teacher.

- What BPAK and meadows are doing to bring up their backs and what they REALLY think is necessary around the workout to build muscle.

- And much much more...

If you haven't already, we would love if you took a minute to leave a quick rating and review of the podcast on iTunes by clicking the link below! It would be extremely helpful to extend the reach of the show: Click Here

Useful Links:

