MWH 232 : Creating A New Routine The world looks very different at the moment, so this week’s podcast episode is all about creating a new routine!Now, I know humans are not meant to enjoy change... In fact, our brains are designed to avoid it.Our brains love to create shortcuts, they love predictability, they crave safety and familiarity.So when COVID-19 struck and most of the countries we live in went into some form of lockdown or at the very least imposed restrictions on the very way we once lived, it was really difficult.When that happened, some people used the word “grieving” to describe how they feltAnd I get it... life has literally changed in an instant.For me, when it happened, I was away on retreat with my Inner Circle Mastermind ladies and we were having a jolly old time in Sydney. But I felt when we came back that Friday night, the world as we knew it was completely different.Many people I’ve spoken to, the women in my community, described the feeling as grief, like I’ve said. They are grieving what they had lost... the freedom, the privileges, and their routines.Let me tell you girlfriend, it’s okay to feel all the feels.Chances are, you have some big exciting plans over the next 6 to 12 months. But those things are now either not possible or they look waaaay different to how you had anticipated. I know some people who are supposed to get married this year. Even my sister! She’s supposed to migrate to Australia with her hubby and their new baby... But now, it’s not going to be possible for quite some time.There are lots of things that are suddenly different right now. But what I want to say to all of you, my beautiful Mums With Hustle ladies, that it’s important to stay awake. Stay conscious to the fact that there are still many awesome things, many amazing opportunities, silver linings, moments of solitude and clarity to get excited about.It’s also a great time to re-align with your own dream and your own vision for your life. You don’t have to throw those things away or even press pause on your goals or dreams because things have changed.You gotta get up, and you gotta dust yourself off. Whether you have a business or not, you gotta find a new normal... for now. My New Routine One of the things that works for me is establishing a new routine. Keep in mind that it does take experimenting... it’s okay if the first routine you put together may not work for you or your family. If you’re interested in figuring out how to work while your kids play check out episode 231 with Amy Cox from Playful Families.You may need to mix it up again!Now, I’m gonna share with you how I’ve changed my routine. But first, I want to share the context of my situation.My husband and I are both at home. And I know that not everyone has that luxury. Some people are solo-parenting 24/7 while some people have their partners at home not all the time, but only for a short period.I also know people who have their partners at home, but feel like it’s a curse. One of my friends said that lockdown has clarified for her that she and her husband are not meant to be in the same space all the time. It’s causing more issues for them. They are definitely designed to be married and have a great relationship, but they also need to have time apart and go to their separate workplaces.For more context, both of our boys (who are 3 and 6-year olds) are at home with us. I’m homeschooling the eldest. We also have no physical contact with family and friends. My mum is in a high-risk group, so we’re trying to isolate from her (even if it’s hard to do). We’re not really seeing anyone except for our fambam of 4.I’m sharing all these contexts with you because it can sometimes be really tempting to be able to listen and immediately start comparing your journey to mine. Some people will start thinking that things are easy because of the differences in our situations. Step Away From Negative Thought Patterns