How To Stop Letting Your Mind Hold You Back Did you know that you have the power to reprogram your mind so that you can be living the life you’ve always wanted? It’s true, and today’s guest is here to tell you exactly how. Today’s guest is Dr. Shannon Irvine. She’s a mum, entrepreneur, high achievement mentor, host of the Epic Success Podcast and a philanthropist. Shannon has a Ph.D. in Neuro-Psychology and helps her clients “neuro-hack” their success by harnessing the power of the brain to hardwire productivity, goal attainment, and high performance mindset mastery. What I love the most about Shannon is that she didn’t come from entrepreneurial roots, but she has always been driven to create something impactful. So if you’ve ever felt like your mind has been holding you back and leading you to procrastinate and dwell in self-doubt then today’s episode is one that you are going to want to listen to and take notes. During this episode, Shannon is going to share why neuro-hacking is so important for entrepreneurs, how you can harness the power of your mind to create the business and life that you want, and how to kick imposter syndrome to the curb for good. Let’s get into it!
Key Takeaways:
>> [0:24] Can you believe 2019 is almost over? This year has been so full and so amazing. And I just want to say if you have been one of the many lovely ladies who have left us a five star review on iTunes then thank you, thank you, thank you. >> [1:24] Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach so we can continue to empower incredible women in business and serve them so that they are also able to design a life and business they love. >> [1:45] I want to share today from Tara over at @aussiecurve. She wrote: “What an inspiration you are for small new businesses like me. I listen to you every week and take notes. Thank you.” >> [2:23] You do not have a “small” business. You have a business! As soon as I read your review, I knew I had to address this on the podcast because sometimes when we call our business “small” it’s really just our mind holding us back from big things.
>> [3:10] Today’s guest is Dr. Shannon Irvine. She’s a mum, entrepreneur, high achievement mentor, host of the Epic Success Podcast and a philanthropist. Shannon has a Ph.D. in Neuro-Psychology and helps her clients “neuro-hack” their success by harnessing the power of the brain to hardwire productivity, goal attainment, and high performance mindset mastery. >> [4:29] During this episode, Shannon is going to share why neuro-hacking is so important for entrepreneurs, how you can harness the power of your mind to create the business and life that you want, and how to kick imposter syndrome to the curb for good. >> [6:05] Shannon’s children are the fuel behind everything that she does. Shannon figured out that she’s not quite employee-able, so she knew entrepreneurship was for her!
>> [8:23] Most entrepreneurs believe that there is something that makes other entrepreneurs successful. >> [9:48] When Shannon had her son, she got into the mindset that she wouldn’t be able to raise her child and run her business at the same time. She actually thought about letting her business go. But then she had a mindset shift and she hired a mentor where she learned that her thoughts have power. >> [12:23] Shannon went into Neuro-Psychology for a Masters and she was viewing it from an entrepreneurial point of view. She learned that you can re-map your brain and your wires! >> [14:19] Many of your beliefs and resistances that you tell yourself are just a story that you’re telling yourself. Success doesn’t mean that you’ll be away from your family or that you won’t be able to mother in the way that you want to mother. >> [16:09] There is a systematic process where you can remove any of your limiting beli...