How She Attracted Her Dream Audience of Buyers on Instagram The power of Instagram once you have attracted the right audience is absolutely INCREDIBLE. Because guess what? An audience of quality followers is what builds your business faster than any other strategy out there. #ItsTrue That’s exactly what today’s guest is going to share with you today because Instagram accounts for 48% of all of her sales! Today's guest is Annette McIntosh! Annette is a mum, the designer and head honcho behind Danger and Moon. Most days you’ll find her knee deep in pretty paper things, juggling mum life with her passion for partying. A fashion graduate, Annette spent 16 years at the forefront of the rag trade forging her career as a designer, textile and graphic designer and senior trend forecaster. She's travelled the world for some of Australia's biggest retailers and worked along side industry icons, before taking the leap into running the studio full time. During this episode, Annette is going to walk us through who her ideal Instagram follower is, how she attracts her ideal follower and why it's important to have an audience of buyers rather than just an audience. Let’s get into it!
Key Takeaways:
>> [0:29] Today’s episode is brought to you by Hashtag Hustle. It is my Instagram audience building course, and I’m really excited to let you know that Hashtag Hustle has been updated and is ready to be launched. This the course that hundreds of women have been able to grow their audience. For the next three days only (until Dec 5th), you can save yourself a $150 discount by heading over and enrolling. Check it out at! >> [3:11] For my Social Method Society Member’s, you can find your own special Member’s Only deal inside of the Social Method Society.
About Today's Guest:
>> [3:54] Today's guest is a Hashtag Hustle graduate and her name is Annette McIntosh! Annette is a mum, the designer and head honcho behind Danger and Moon. Most days you’ll find her knee deep in pretty paper things, juggling mum life with her passion for partying. A fashion graduate, Annette spent 16 years at the forefront of the rag trade forging her career as a designer, textile and graphic designer and senior trend forecaster. She's travelled the world for some of Australia's biggest retailers and worked alongside industry icons, before taking the leap into running the studio full time. >> [5:45] During this episode, Annette is going to walk us through who her ideal Instagram follower is, how she attracts her ideal follower and why it's important to have an audience of buyers rather than just an audience.
Annette’s Instagram Journey
>> [9:47] Annette was on Instagram, but she had no idea how to use it as a marketing strategy for her business. >> [10:40] Throughout her time taking Hashtag Hustle, Annette came up with a beautiful ideal customer that she now targets on Instagram. She even named her avatar and build her lifestyle out! >> [15:30] Annette has built her ideal following full of her target audience by knowing exactly who she was! >> [16:34] Annette has been putting in a sprinkle of herself into her Instagram marketing, so she can build relationships. >> [17:44] In order to grow, she needed to let go. She brought on a Social Media Manager (SMM) to write her captions and now her SMM is nailing Annette’s brand voice.
Growing an Audience of Buyers on Instagram
>> [21:11] What does having an audience of buyers mean for Annette? She has realized that her followers buy when they are emotionally connected. 48% of Annette’s income is coming from Instagram. >> [25:29] When Annette first joined Hashtag Hustle, she thought she’d see instant results from the course. However, in hindsight, she realised Instagram is a long-term strategy. It’s not something you learn, implement and then abandon. You need to keep going.
Try to reflect on what you did and do it again, but better.