How I Stay On Top Of My Mental Health As A Mum In Business Today’s episode is going to be a special one in honour of PANDA Week which takes place from November 10 to the 16th. PANDA Week is all about getting real about perinatal anxiety and depression, which are two things that I speak about often. It’s important to me to use my platform to help break down the stigma that surrounds anxiety, depression and stress - especially when you’re a mum in business. The truth is, “There’s a lot of baggage around mental health. Many people are afraid to talk about perinatal anxiety and depression! There are many misconceptions about these serious and common illnesses." Not to mention, so many people don't know the signs or symptoms of anxiety and depression. Plus, they don't know where to seek help IF they are struggling. "Too many people are afraid to reveal what they’re feeling and delay seeking help because of fear of being seen as bad parents." PANDA wants expecting and new mums, dads and their families to feel they can be open and honest about their feelings. "As a community, we need to ‘get real’ about perinatal anxiety and depression." So, that's what I'm honouring here on the podcast today. Let’s get into it!
Key Takeaways:
>> [1:20] On the 19th of November, I’m going to be teaching you and hundreds of other women where I’ll be sharing 3 Quick Strategies For Turning your Instagram Followers into Customers (P.S. these even work if you have a small audience) in a live Masterclass. Head to! If you want to end this year on a bang and head into 2020 stronger than ever then save your seat. Plus, I’ve made a pop-up Facebook Group for you to join me and the other mums with hustle in the lead up to this FREE masterclass. Register now! >> [4:28] From November 10-16, 2019 it’s PANDA Week! PANDA Week is all about getting real about perinatal anxiety and depression, which are two things that I speak about often. >> [6:11] If you’re feeling like (or if someone in your family/friendship circle is) experiencing anxiety and depression, then get that person to their local doctor. >> [8:38] At Mums With Hustle, we want to bring a focus to the nurturing of mums in business. >> [9:14] A few years ago, I was diagnosed with severe anxiety, mild depression and acute stress. I couldn’t imagine speaking about my flaws with anyone because I felt like it was a weakness.
>> [10:59] The first step is being brave enough to speak to your GP and make sure you have a relationship with your GP where they listen to you. If you’re in Australia, ask for a mental health plan. Check out PANDA, The Gidget Foundation, and COPE. >> [12:25] I used to run away from anyone who tried to check in on me. I was in a heightened sense of wanting to protect myself. The thread was really my thoughts. >> [12:59] In episode 199, Karl interviewed me. One of the questions was related to my mental health and how I stay on top of my mental health as a woman and mum in business. >> [14:10] Staying on top of your mental health needs to start from the inside out rather than looking at the outside first.
WHEN IT COMES TO MENTAL HEALTH, START FROM WITHIN When I began to focus on my thoughts, that’s when I saw the shift.
You are not your thoughts. You’re just the thinker of your thoughts.
Become aware that you can control your thoughts. You can think something else if what you’re thinking is not serving you. >> [16:58] I had the help of a psychologist for 18 months. Seeing a professional will really help you slow down and clear the mental junk in your head. >> [18:49] Give yourself time for just yourself. Whether it’s just getting your eyebrows waxed or going on a short walk. Start with baby steps. >> [19:35] I had to get to a place where I could do things without my children joyfully. I was able to then have time with my husband, my friends,