5 Lessons Learnt From Being In A Paid Mastermind Before I joined a mastermind, I felt so uncomfortable investing that amount of money into my own development. However, since then I’ve come to realise the ripple effect of when I invest in myself... I’m able to do so much better in the work that I do to serve you and help people all over the world! My mentors have been pivotal in what has become possible for me within my own business and within my own business. And that’s what I want to talk to you about on the podcast today. Today, I’m going to be sharing 5 lessons that I’ve learned from being in a paid mastermind. I’m also going to be announcing something special, so make sure you listen through to the end.
Key Takeaways:
>> [0:53] Today, I’m going to be talking about something different because I’ve been asked over the years to do a deep dive on this topic! >> [1:25] I want to dive into today is about a premium mastermind. The context that I’m speaking about a Mastermind is: A. It’s paid.
B. It’s facilitated by a mentor.
C. It’s a year long entrepreneurial experience. >> [2:27] My mentors have been pivotal in what has become possible for me within my own business and within my own business. The ripple effect of when I invest in myself, I’m able to do so much better in the work that I do to serve you and help people. >> [3:19] Why did I join a mastermind? Because ultimately it’s about investing in yourself so that you can in turn invest in your business. When I help someone, I want to be able to help them at my highest level. I truly believe the most successful people in life are open to continuous learning. >> [4:53] Finding mentors to help me with the inner work and mindset is super important to me. Two of my mentors are James Wedmore and Jim Forton. >> [5:55] Before I joined my first mastermind, I felt so uncomfortable investing that amount of money into my own development. Then I came across Jim and he said, “Successful people aren’t making decisions based on their current circumstances, they’re making decisions based off of where they’re headed.
JIM’S METHOD OF - BE. DO. HAVE. Think like the CEO you need to be in order to have the things you want to have in your life.
This led to me behaving like the CEO, which then caused me to have the business that I have now. >> [8:39] I asked myself a series of questions so that I could make a clear and conscious decision.
Before joining a mastermind, I asked myself: If I don’t join an opportunity like this, what am I giving up?
What would become possible if I joined versus if I didn’t?
Ultimately, did I believe if investing this amount of money would bring me growth in myself and business revenue?
Would I be able to make the investment back? >> [10:43] Being in a paid mastermind, is one of the most enriching experiences that I’ve had in my life. It causes you to slow down, step out of your business, and go far together with a small intimate group of people. >> [13:15] Everyone tends to have a love language, and mind is quality time. Having the time freedom to spend with Karl and my children... that lights me up! So when I see mentors living life large that sees them having a big impact in this world without sacrificing time and freedom, I know that I would like to learn from them. >> [15:00] My first lesson that I learned from being in a paid mastermind is to take action!
TAKING BOLD ACTION I’m able to move through problems and indecision much quicker.
When I first joined a mastermind, I instantly up-leveled in how I was thinking and what thoughts I was having.
I also started setting loftier goals.
Instead of seeing obstacles or blocks, I became hardwired to seeing opportunity. >> [17:14] When I invest in myself, I’m able to invest in everybody that I’m trying to serve.
SERVING MY CLIENTS I’ve been able to take what I know and serve my clients at a higher level.