My Best Tips For Working At Home With Toddlers Working at home with babies and toddlers is not an easy feat, but it doesn’t have to be difficult either. During today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing how I spend my time working in my business and my best tips for working at home when your children are still there with you. If you pick up any theme from today’s message, I hope it’s that you understand the importance of knowing who you are, honouring that, and treating yourself with respect for where you are now in your entrepreneurial journey.
Key Takeaways:
>> [0:29] Today’s podcast episode is part two of a three part special that covers when Motherhood Meets Entrepreneurship. If you’ve missed part one, please feel free to go back and listen to episode MWH 195 : Building Your Business Around Your Life with Jennifer Berson of Jeneration PR. I had a really enlightening conversation with Jen all about how she navigated the early days of starting her business, how those days looked differently once her kids were born, and what her support network looked like. >> [2:36] During today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing my best tips for working at home with babies and toddlers. >> [2:56] I want to start this episode off with the disclaimer that we’re all unique and we’re all different. We need to honour exactly who we are at this given moment in time. I’m purely sharing what has worked for me, so it helps one person. I’m not some guru when it comes to this sort of thing, but what I’m sharing is what I have learned and put into practice over the last four years of being a business owner. >> [5:01] I only aim to get three things done in one day. Some days I feel like I’m more in flow and I can bust out so much stuff, but then there are other days where I can only get one task done. Life is full of expectations, and we are putting expectations on other people and on ourselves. You are the one that is putting the expectations on yourself. I’ve come up a “rule” of three and it makes me feel really good when I get things done. HOW I BREAK UP THE THREE THINGS I DO THROUGHOUT THE DAY: One thing I work on every day is something be related to marketing.
Then, I work on something that generates income. I do this because if it’s income generating, it’s also impact generating.
I try to learn something new every day. My third thing is always related to self-development. >> [10:09] Be aware of the expectations you’re setting on yourself. >> [10:43] Master your mind and the way you were designed to think. You can do this by getting to know yourself! Investing in yourself in terms of self-awareness and mindset. For instance, I know when my brain and energy is best for performing at executing tasks throughout different times during the day. >> [12:56] Your “Hour of Power” is actually something different when it comes to performance and entrepreneurship. It’s that time during your day when your’e the most energetically charged and things aren’t heavy. >> [15:45] Don’t punish yourself if you don’t meet your own expectations. It’s okay if your’e building your business at a slower pace. >> [16:58] During my eldest’s first two years of life, he was a serial cat napper. I couldn’t rely on getting a solid one or two hours.
HOW DO I STRUCTURE MY DAY? I leaned into the Pomodoro Technique where you work for a solid 20 minutes followed by a 5 minute break where you do something completely different.
It’s important to know what you’re going to do during those 20 minutes. >> [20:05] If you’re not a member of the Social Method Society, you can jump on the waitlist HERE. >> [21:06] I had old beliefs about what “work time” meant to me and that belief had me trapped. I forgot that I had the power to choose what “work time” looks like for me. It doesn’t have to look or feel like what it was when you worked for someone else. Your “work time” is in your control and you can structure it in a way that makes ...