Instagram Mindset - How To Feel Good On The Gram Let's examine your Instagram mindset real quick. Have you ever looked at someone’s Instagram account before and felt a knot in your stomach for whatever reason? And then you get stuck in your own head thinking, “Am I ever going to get there?” or “What’s the point?” Or maybe you see someone in your own niche that you look at with envy because they’re always launching or coming out with something amazing, and you wish you could do that? Have you ever been there? ‘Cause that is imposter syndrome and when your inner critic comes to play, she’s never nice to you. Today, I want to talk to you about your Instagram mindset and those times when being on Instagram makes you feel less than. I’m going to share seven strategies to help you cope with your Instagram mindset and push through the imposter syndrome because in those moments, we are not our thoughts! And when we really work on our mindset, we are able to achieve so much growth in all aspects of our lives. Mindset work is something that we cover inside my private academy, The Social Method Society because your mind is a powerful tool that’s linked to your success. If you’re interested in learning more about a holistic Instagram marketing strategy, then you need to join. The doors are not always open, but you should jump on the waitlist so you're notified as soon as the doors are open again. Now, let’s jump into seven ways to help you feel good on the Gram!
>> [1:08] Do you experience imposter syndrome? Do any of the examples I mention here relate to you? If you’re nodding along, then girlfriend, we need to silence your inner critic ASAP. >> [2:04] When your inner critic comes to play, she’s never very nice to you. It’s important to know that going through this from time to time is totally normal! The good news is that you do NOT have to stay there. You can move through imposter syndrome with the tips I’m sharing today. >> [2:43] I’m sharing 7 tips to help you move through imposter syndrome to improve your Instagram mindset. These tips are coming from myself, other women in the Mums With Hustle Community and some members who are killing it in the Social Method Society. >> [4:07] The first strategy is a bit of a band-aid solution which is to unfollow people or stop looking at accounts that make you feel less than. I don’t feel like this is the best one, but it should get an honorable mention since many people recommend doing it. >> [5:07] The second strategy is that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, sometimes it’s fake. This analogy is brought to you by Colin Boyd. The deeper meaning behind this quote is powerful. We never actually know how things really are on the inside of that business or in that person’s personal life. >> [7:36] My third tip is going to help you get into your own self-awareness. When you’re self-aware of WHAT and WHY something is triggering you, you’ll be able to shift into a space where you can work through your feelings and make it mean nothing.
ASK YOURSELF: What about this account, person, particular caption or photo, etc. is triggering me?
How do I think, feel and believe because I’m looking at this account?
Is there something specific that I'm I making it mean for me?
Do I truly even believe my thoughts right now? Can I find an example that proves this otherwise? >> [9:24] Tip number four is all about disconnecting! Put the phone down and go do something that turns your lights on. This is something that my friend Julia Black spoke about before on the podcast. Her episode was MWH 179 : The Importance of Passion in Unlocking Your Mindset with Julia Black of Explorium. >> [10:03] The fifth strategy is to know that you don’t have to go at it alone in business. Become part of a network where you can go and speak about how you’re feeling. Never underestimate the power of relationships and friendships to help make you feel b...