Connect & Collaborate with Confidence!
This entrepreneurial journey is full of uncomfortable feelings, it takes serious mental game to survive and make it as an entrepreneur and the emotional rollercoaster doesn’t discriminate if you’re an online product based biz, a bricks and mortar store, a service based business - it’s there in the midst of all of those places. There’s the peaks, the troughs, the endless ideas, second guessing, the rejection, the uncertainty, the uninvited inner critic and the issue of self-confidence when reaching out to work with others. I know that last point is really a major pain point for a lot of you MWH so I wanted to share my learnings and tips for connecting with confidence because it is SO important that we get to a place where we feel confident to connect with others, regardless of the outcome. I hear that many of you in the MWH tribe struggle to connect with other brands and bloggers for many of the reasons I just mentioned so it is my hope that in listening to this episode today, you will walk away knowing that you are not alone, that you are worthy of great things, that there are others who do want to work with you. In this episode, I give you ideas on HOW to approach individuals, even for those who are introverts, or those that have a smaller following, even those that don’t have a physical product! I go through HEAPS and then wrap it up with my 5 steps to start connecting TODAY! Take stock of your SFD, change the narrative you are telling yourself, take yourself out of it and be motivated by your why and who you are serving.
Know who your ideal client/customer/avatar is and identify who currently holds them as an audience (check out the podcast I did with Lanna from One Small Step Coaching for a deep dive into that).
Create your wish list of people that you want to build an authentic connection with and figure out how you can best serve one another.
Select one individual from that wish list and do a brain dump of all the possible ways that you could collaborate together in an authentic way.
Begin getting on their radar or approach them directly (whichever one you feel most comfortable doing). FREEBIE - To make step 4 easier, I have taken the thinking out of it for you and created an awesome freebie and that is my "17 easy ways to connect with bloggers, businesses and social media influencers” You can grab it here by filling in your details below. 17 Easy Ways To Connect Check out my 17 tips on how to connect with others and help build your confidence and business. Success! Your cheat sheet will be waiting for you in your inbox. There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. First Name Email Address We use this field to detect spam bots. If you fill this in, you will be marked as a spammer. I'd like to receive the free email course. Download You’ll also receive weekly emails written (with heart) to move you forward in your personal and business development. If you change your mind, you can unsubscribe anytime. Powered by ConvertKit /* Layout */ .ck_form { /* divider image */ background: #fff url(...