Flat lay photography - Making an impact
Joining me on the podcast today is a biz mum who caught my eye on Instagram with her stunning flat lay photography!



Flat lays are a trending thing in terms of social media photography, particularly on Instagram. We know that strong images on social media are key to getting likes, engagement and followers that we aim to make into customers!

It’s always really exciting chatting to start up mumpreneurs and I really believe that if you want to learn a specific thing in business there’s no one better to go to than someone who is killing it at that thing right now!


Because it’s relevant, purposeful info that you can action in your current setting and that’s going to give you way more chance of success when you apply these learning to your own biz.

That’s the beauty about a community! We are all in this journey together and we all have so much to offer!

Are you ready to meet this inspiring biz mum?

It’s with so much joy that I introduce you to Nicole Ward from Shalimar Baby Box because as I mentioned already, she sure knows how to make her biz stand out! At Shalimar Baby Box they create the world’s most gorgeous baby boxes with a difference.

As well as being business savvy and she’s social media savvy and everything she shares can be learned and actioned by you too, including those stunning flat lays, which Nicole so generously shares tips on.

Flat Lay Handbook
To get those tips in your hot little hands, I have created a handbook for you that you can grab here.

Ultimate Flat Lay Handbook Grab the Biz Babe's Handbook to Nailing the Perfect Insta Flat lay and create flat lays with purpose, narrative and beauty every time! Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription and flay lay download! There was an error submitting your subscription. Please try again. First Name Email Address We use this field to detect spam bots. If you fill this in, you will be marked as a spammer. I'd like to receive the free email course. Download You’ll also receive weekly emails written (with heart) to move you forward in your personal and business development. If you change your mind, you can unsubscribe anytime. Powered by ConvertKit /* Layout */ .ck_form { /* divider image */ background: #fff url(...