Have you always dreamt about being in real estate? Were you lured into spending $1,000 after seeing an ad on TV that promised to teach you about it? Only to find that you would have to spend an additional $20,000 to get the real stuff?

Debbie Camacho-Franco learned that the hard way. She decided to build a real estate business, but discovered that traveling, marketing, and educational trainings add up. Before investing any more of her money, she wanted a sure thing. Luckily, she found me and the Kahuna Boardroom. If you want to get into multifamily, you don’t have to start wholesaling or continue rehabbing. Just go for it.

Topics on Today’s Episode:

Power of Connection: Network and find out who’s who Kahuna Boardroom attendees want to do something to change and grow Mentors helped Debbie learn how to manage people in the corporate world Corporate world experience allowed Debbie to build her own business Debbie considers her mother an amazing human being and the reason why she’s so driven professionally to be able to take care of those she loves Corporate America: Way to make a living, but company gets the profits; at the same time, transition to be your own boss and start your own business Spend-selling means asking situational, problem, impact, and pay-off questions to tell a story and paint a picture that motivate people Self-selected investors and partners should like and trust each other before making a commitment Most people want freedom and time, but don’t have either or only one; the solution is to invest in multifamily apartments Raising Money and Momentum: What it feels like to get your first, “Yes” Being true to herself is one of the main principles that Debbie lives by; it reconfirms her attitude and character Debbie loves to help and mentor others, so she brings together people who want to learn about multifamily investing Visualize: When you start to believe in it, you can achieve it Stay focused during moments of self-doubt; “No” means for right now, not forever Real estate isn’t always a solopreneur sport; get support from a partner Don’t let anything stop you from pursuing your dreams; entrepreneurship is as much about failure as success to be able to grow and learn

Links and Resources Mentioned:

Debbie Camacho-Franco on Facebook Debbie Camacho-Franco’s Phone Number: 214-919-4626 Debbie Camacho-Franco’s Email Address Franco Acquisitions Investor Fuel Kahuna Boardroom Raising Private Money Course Coach Wooden’s Leadership Game Plan for Success

Quotes by Debbie Camacho-Franco:

“To be a good leader, you have to be a good listener. In order to be a good listener, you have to ask lots of questions.”

“When you focus on something, you get what you focus on.”

“Whenever I talk to my mentees and they tell me about their successes and everything, that’s what I love the most, to see people grow.”

“I believe that it’s better to trust and be disappointed occasionally, than to always mistrust and live a miserable life.”  

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