Arseniy Egorov is a Level 2 judge who got 8th place at Grand Prix Orlando 2018. Arseniy lives in Moscow, Russia.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Arseniy Egorov when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set

Scars of Mirrodin

Favorite Set

Kamigawa (block)

Favorite Card


Early Challenge

Finding and playing in really competitive tournaments. Arseniy is from a small city that didn't have a big game store. Arseniy started traveling to bigger cities to get into more competitive tournaments.

Worst Magic Moment

Arseniy made day 2 at GP Madrid but didn't sleep in and missed the main event! 
He learned to tell his friends he made day 2 and to set more alarms.

Proudest Magic Moment

As a judge, Arseniy is proud he got accepted to judge Japanese GPs.
As a player, Arseniy made top 8 at GP Orlando.

Advice From A Judge

As a judge, Arseniy has been lots of situations. 
His advice to players is to explain your situation and don't be afraid to appeal. Always be respectful though. ;)

Parting Guidance

Play Magic and use it to travel and learn new cultures.

Connect With Arseniy Egorov


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on

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