Ricardo Sanchez has been playing since 2006 and has been competitive since 2013. Pro Tour Atlanta 2018 will be his 4th Pro Tour. His best result was making Top 4 at GP Lille 2014 playing Legacy. For him, the best thing about MTG is traveling around the world and meeting so many awesome people. Ricardo lives in Madrid, Spain.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Ricardo Sanchez when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here: http://bit.ly/mtgprotutor-ep305

First Set

Time Spiral

Favorite Set

Shadows Over Innistrad

Favorite Card

Tireless Tracker

Early Challenge

Traveling to events. Ricardo's Mom was very careful about letting him go. But as she met his friends and realized he could get a lot of good life experiences, she let him go.

Worst Magic Moment

When Ricardo started going to Grand Prix, he went to 9 in a year and didn't make day 2 a single one. He learned he doesn't have to go to every event.

Proudest Magic Moment

Top 4 of GP Lille 2018.

What Have You Learned From Magic

How to travel.

Event Preparation

MTG Goldfish and see what's doing well in the format. Ricardo will then practice with a few decks to see how they play out with him as the pilot.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Before you say "keep" and decide to keep your hand, you should have a plan on what you're going to do. 

Parting Guidance

Enjoy Magic. There's something enjoyable in each phase of Magic. Find it and have fun. Remember Magic is a game.

Magic Resource

Mana Traders, MTG Goldfish, CFB, SCG, MTG Mint Card, Book: Playing to Win

Connect With Ricardo Sanchez


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