Rich Hoaen is known for his skill in Limited formats and has one Pro Tour top 8, four Pro Tour 16s, three Grand Prix wins and five other Grand Prix top 8s!! He was also the runner up in the last ever Magic Invitational.

First Set


Favorite Set

Odyssey block

Favorite Card

Battlefield Medic

Early Challenge

Coming to grips that he wasn't as good as he thought. It took a better player pointing out his misplays for Rich to realize he had much to learn.

Level Up Moment

Cheating is totally unacceptable and Rich learned early how abhorring it is when a team confessed to having cheated in a tournament they won.

Proudest Magic Moment

Winning Grand Prix Montreal (2011)

Best Format


Current Standard Deck

Rich only plays when he has to but is currently on a mono red build.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Blaming games on luck. At lower levels players do this all the time, and it's wrong.

Connect With Rich


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