Dan Jordan has 3 Pro Tour top 16s, 4 Grand Prix top 8s, and 4 Star City Games Open wins under his belt. He has also top 75'd another Pro Tour and has cashed in numerous other Grand Prix.
Evaluation Tips

Dan admits to being a terrible card evaluator but still thinks about cards as they are released and their possible impact on Standard.

Limited Tips

Sealed: Identify a deck plan and build around that.

Draft: Be very mindful of your mana curve.

Team Building

Find A team. Ideally you'll want a team with Pro players but if you can't find one then just get on A team that play tests regularly.

Play Testing

Take good notes and don't waste play testing time. Be mindful of "inbred" play testing.


Invest in Standard and stick with your deck as you improve and move up to bigger tournaments.

Magic Resource

The Elephant Method (you just have to read it for yourself)

Connect With Dan


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