What do we want? Good chromatography! How do we get it? We don’t know! Columns, maybe?

Good chromatography is essential to any LC-MS/MS method. Setting it up is often one of the earlier steps in developing a new method. While it can be an iterative process, setting up good chromatographic conditions at the start can set you up for success later on. This podcast will discuss our laboratories efforts to setup chromatographic conditions for the analysis of ethyl-glucuronide and buprenorphine (plus metabolites). We will present what we tried, why it seemed like it a good/bad idea, and along the way talk through some basic chromatography concepts. The goal is for attendees to be more informed when they approach setting up their own chromatographic methods.

This session is the second in a 4 part series in which Dr. Hayden will invite attendees to witness in real time his journey bringing mass spec testing to a clinical lab. During these interactive sessions, attendees will be encouraged to help troubleshoot, and offer advice as desired.

You can watch the recording of the first session: "Getting going with mass spectrometry: Josh installs a mass spectrometer".

Subsequent sessions anticipated include:

Part 3. Getting going with mass spectrometry: Josh tries to do sample preparation

Part 4. Getting going with mass spectrometry: Josh analyzes peaks