If you want to create a different outcome in your life and something is uncomfortable, how can you stay the course? It can be hard to persevere when you don’t know what will happen; it’s a disconcerting feeling and it can make you feel insecure. You can get past all of that and get past your uncertainty and discomfort!

Today’s guest is Nathan Seaward, aka Nathan the Pilot. He used to fly commercial aircraft, his boyhood dream. At some point, he decided it wasn’t for him anymore. While leaving behind the career, paycheck and identity of being a pilot is what he wants to do, it has thrown him into a state of flux and uncertainty.

We’re going to explore Nathan’s feelings and how you can apply the truths he’s learned to your own life. Some of the highlights of the show include:

How Nathan achieved his boyhood dream of becoming a pilot and why he realized that commercial flying wasn’t, in fact, his dream. Also, Nathan talks about what he decided to do instead. How Nathan knew it was time to leave his job as a commercial pilot and what he did immediately after leaving when he went into panic mode. How it feels to be firmly in the grasp of uncertainty and how Nathan handles being uncomfortable. How Nathan opens himself to feeling negative feelings by using breathing exercises. Nathan’s advice for someone wanting to make the leap but unsure of what to do.

Links and Resources


Nathan on Facecbook

Nathan’s Podcast

The Surrender Experiment

The 4-Hour Work Week

Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen

James Butler episode on MoxieCast

Quotes by Nathan:

“Flying was my boyhood passion and something that I was doing for myself... then I started to realize, this is not my dream.”

“I see so many people who are unhappy in their job but stuck in analysis paralysis. I knew I didn’t want to be there. It seemed like death to me.”

“I was all-in on not working for someone anymore. I went all-in on freedom.”