Success in entrepreneurship is often achieved through consistent action, even if it's not perfect. That is what Taylor and I are talking about in this episode as we share our own journeys of building successful businesses, the pitfalls we’ve faced, hard conversations held and the valuable attributes we’ve gathered along the way that have been a firm foundation for what we have both built in our respective businesses.


We hope this episode inspires you to keep taking action, even if it's imperfect, because that's where success lies.

Key Takeaways


00:00 - Introduction


More about our guest today

Taylor Frame is a leading Funnels Specialist and the co-founder of Best Media Practice, a thriving eCommerce consultancy. Driven by a commitment to honesty, transparency, and results, he helps business owners cultivate lasting success, utilizing his expertise and a results-oriented approach. With a passion for empowering entrepreneurs to reach their full potential, Taylor is dedicated to providing the tools and guidance necessary for sustained growth. He believes that owning your business should be about more than just profit, but also about enjoying a fulfilling life. He is a beacon of inspiration for all those seeking to make their entrepreneurial dreams a reality.


Learn more about Taylor and his work in this episode.


00:00 - Entrepreneurship, scaling businesses, and marketing strategies.

In this section, Taylor and I explore the ins and outs of entrepreneurship, scaling businesses, and marketing strategies. Taylor, with his experience in both corporate America and small eCommerce brands, shares his expertise on how to quickly grow a brand through effective sales and marketing. His journey from a full-time job to running his own marketing agency is a testament to the power of networking, unconventional approaches, and unwavering dedication.


07:20 - Entrepreneurship, partnerships, and growth.

As two experienced entrepreneurs, Taylor and I share our insights on navigating the sometimes tumultuous nature of change within a business partnership. With growth comes change, and it's essential to embrace this reality while also cultivating resilience, creativity, and effective communication. Together, we offer practical advice on how to navigate these changes and foster growth.


19:20 - Fear of failure in entrepreneurship and how to maintain resilience and drive despite it.

The answer lies in balance. Resilience and drive are not measured by how much you can take on, but how well you can adapt to changes. Successful entrepreneurs are those who know when to push forward and when to take a breather. The question isn't about how hard you can work, but how well you can work. The critical lesson we want you to learn is how to listen to your body, your mind, and your instincts.


24:08 - Self-care and leadership with a focus on imperfect action.

Mental health and well-being aren't just words in the entrepreneurial space; they're the foundation for sustainable growth. Taylor and I share practical tips for entrepreneurs to prioritize self-care, not just to maintain their own health but also to boost their businesses. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity, especially when you're wearing multiple hats as a business owner.


31:32 - Conclusion

We hope that this episode has inspired and equipped you with valuable insights to build sustainable success in your entrepreneurial journey. Remember, consistent action, even when it's imperfect, is the catalyst for growth. To continue the conversation, feel free to reach out to Taylor and myself through the links below. We're always here to support and connect with fellow entrepreneurs!



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Best Practice Media

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