We are at the end of our sustainability series- what empowering stories we have heard of businesses striving to be more sustainable! 


I purposefully scheduled this chat on sustainable marketing at the end of this series because I want to leave you with the knowledge and strategies necessary for a holistic approach to marketing. While you may have established strategies and developed your brand, sustainable marketing and storytelling are critical components for growth. They play a crucial role in building brands and contribute to the business’ profitability and successful scaling.


What exactly is sustainable marketing, and how can it be achieved? This is what Tiffany and I will dive into on today’s episode to provide you with the insights and direction you need in your entrepreneurial journey.


Key Takeaways


00:00 - Introduction


More about our guest today

Tiffany is a purpose-driven co-founder of The Ordinary Good, a creative studio on a mission to make good the new ordinary. As a leader in the organization, she shapes brand messaging, marketing direction, and copywriting that aligns with their mission of amplifying the impact of businesses and creatives working for a better world. Combining creativity with her passion for sustainability, Tiffany empowers others to embrace ethical practices and develop an authentic, positive brand identity.


Learn more about Tiffany and The Ordinary Good's journey in this episode.


07:38 - Sustainability and social impact in marketing.

Sustainability in marketing is more than just a buzzword; it's a comprehensive approach that includes creative and strategic elements to build a brand that's committed to long-term growth and environmental responsibility. The question we are answering for businesses with social impact initiatives is, how are you storytelling and portraying impact in a way that resonates with consumers?


13:44 - Developing promotional language for social impact brands

When marketing social impact brands, it's important to prioritize customer needs over the impact story. This doesn’t mean, however, that your impact is lost in relentless product promotion. Tiffany shares a tested and proven strategy to represent your people and your profit in storytelling that has seen one of their clients generate a return on ad spend above 3%.


18:49 - Sustainability and profit in purpose-driven brands.

Sustainable marketing provides a fine balance between understanding customer values and prioritizing purpose while balancing profit. This however doesn’t mean that as an impact brand you won't face challenges like profit margins, customer engagement, and scalability. How then do you scale your sustainable brand to be positioned as a premium option in the market? 

This is where Tiffany’s expertise lies and she is telling it all.


29:03 - Conclusion

We hope you found this conversation insightful on steps to combining innovative marketing strategies with purpose-driven initiatives as you build a brand that not only resonates with customers but also makes a positive impact on the world. 

If you are looking to connect with Tiffany or myself we are just one click away.



The Ordinary  Good

Tiffany on Instagram

Harvest and Mill

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