This 20 minute podcast features reflections by Sarah Fryer, Rachel Fryer, and Wesley Fryer after watching a screening of the film, "Screenagers: Growing up in the digital age." This 70 minute movie was shown on September 21, 2016, to an audience of parents, students, and educators at Christ the King School in Oklahoma City. The film raises important issues relating to healthy living, Internet safety, identity, and digital citizenship. It highlights the importance of parents setting boundaries for screen use and access with kids, and the importance of being intentional with our choices when it comes to smartphones and other screens. In this podcast recorded after watching Screenagers together, Sarah, Rachel and Wes offer their takeaways from the film and some of the highlights which stood out as important and valid points. Check the podcast shownotes for links to the Screenagers website and other digital citizenship resources. Follow the film on Twitter @ScreenagerMovie. Many thanks to Christ the King School in Oklahoma City for hosting this event and promoting good conversations about these issues among parents, kids and teachers!

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