This podcast is an audio recording of Brad Waid and Drew Minock's presentation, "Game Changing Apps" at the Podstock Conference in Wichita, Kansas, on July 19, 2013. The official conference session description was: Game Changing Apps with Brad Waid, Drew Minock. We will be presenting game changing apps for student engagement, teacher productivity, and augmented reality. We will show you how we are using these apps to change the culture and engagement in our classroom and our school. This session will benefit all grade levels and administrators. This is happening now! Come see how we are changing the game!

This podcast is an audio recording of Brad Waid and Drew Minock’s presentation, “Game Changing Apps” at the Podstock Conference in Wichita, Kansas, on July 19, 2013. The official conference session description was: Game Changing Apps with Brad Waid, Drew Minock. We will be presenting game changing apps for student engagement, teacher productivity, and augmented reality. We will show you how we are using these apps to change the culture and engagement in our classroom and our school. This session will benefit all grade levels and administrators. This is happening now! Come see how we are changing the game!

Show Notes:

Two Guys and Some iPads (Brad and Drew’s website)
Brad Waid on Twitter: @Techbradwaid
Drew Minock on Twitter: @TechMinock
Cargo-Bot app (free – problem solving game)
Codea app ($10 – was used to build Cargo-Bot entirely on an iPad!)
Three Ring app (free – digital portfolios)
Mystery Math Town app
Remind 101 app
Explain Everything app
AR Flashcards app
NASA 3D Space Craft app (free)
Daqri app
Aurasma app
Marco Tempest: A magical tale (with augmented reality) – TED Talk March 2012
Podstock 2013

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