A variety of web 2.0 technologies are being used by people around the country to share dialog and content from conferences they attend. This podcast is an attempted synthesis of a videoconference in which I participated last Friday, December 2nd with Dr. Glen Bull and Susan Albaugh of the University of Virginia. We discussed possible goals and outcomes for blogging the upcoming SITE 2006 conference to be held in Orlando, Florida, as well as specific ways these goals could be accomplished with web 2.0 technologies.

A variety of web 2.0 technologies are being used by people around the country to share dialog and content from conferences they attend. This podcast is an attempted synthesis of a videoconference in which I participated last Friday, December 2nd with Dr. Glen Bull and Susan Albaugh of the University of Virginia. We discussed possible goals and outcomes for blogging the upcoming SITE 2006 conference to be held in Orlando, Florida, as well as specific ways these goals could be accomplished with web 2.0 technologies.

Show notes for this podcast include:

Diagram of Blogging the Conference ideas from Dec 2nd
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education March 2006 Conference (Orlando, Florida)
Technorati Tags – (link broken – Internet Archive Wayback Machine archive 31 Dec 2005)
CMAP Tools (free, open-source concept mapping software)

Program Length: 18 min, 48 sec
File size: 4.3 MB

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