Previous Episode: #56- FARGO (1996)

To celebrate the middle of summer, we landed on a piece of true summer nostalgia (at least it is for me. And it takes 5 of us sitting around with microphones to explain just how bad this movie was. And is. Unless you've seen it, then you already know. Is it so bad it's funny? Is it just bad? Is it even funny? And did sentient cocaine direct this trash classic? No, but it might as well have been. The accents, the fashion, and the whole thing about Bernie being dead.. Man, I tell ya, this movie has a lot to give. We got 80's trivia for you, things you didn't know, and things you didn't know you needed to know. Mike Feldhaus, Sam Ball, Norm Burns, and Joey Fandel helped me out with this one. Here it is, Weekend At Bernie's from beautiful 1989. Thanks for supporting this little thing we do.