Welcome to Episode Six: Start Using Your Bones Not Your Brain. You might think we are nothing without our brains to tell us what to do. What if I told you, when we are first learning how to move, it's through our bones? Listen to another great podcast, Michelle Turner discusses more the origin of our movements in gravity and outer space. 

Watch my free webinar, "5 Secrets to Gravity and the Human Body." Sign up by clicking on the link or copy and paste it into your browser, www.youcantdothiswithoutme.com/mars

Whether you want to move on this planet or others, Movement 4.0 - From Babies to Astronauts offers you new and exciting insights on gravity, space, and all that happens in between. Michelle Turner, the creator of Movement Lesson™ LLC, presents and discusses her theories on gravity, movement, development, and beyond.

Learn more from Michelle at https://www.movementlesson.academy
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/movementlesson
Training https://www.movementlesson.academy 
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Movement Lesson™ is a alternative approach to optimize an individual's movements through touch. By assessing any weakness in the initiation of movement. ML™ can identify and reinforce rotation within an action, increasing range of motion. ML™ application uses three key steps - initiate, stimulate and enhance functional development.

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