Occupational Therapists deal with a wide variety of patients and circumstances. Overall, they help people return to their daily or occupational lives after a health issue. It is not uncommon to see a therapy model that seems to be more focused on productivity standards and patients seen per day than actually providing the care that the patients need.

In this episode I speak with Hannah Corbacio, OT, about the current state of the therapy world and what its limitations are to the practitioner's quality of service and the results of care to the patient. We talk about her views on how occupational therapy needs to advance into a more individualized model so that the quality of care can be maximized as the patient become the entire focus.

You can contact Hannah through her website: http://hcorbaciofitness.com/rehabilitation/ or instagram @corbacio_fitness

She is open for booking in-person at the Alliance Fitness Center in Reading, PA and is also taking online clients! She is currently offering 15% off everyone's first session as well.