"Have I conditioned myself to pretend i’m happy and now i'm happy?"

Happiness is apparently "the state of being happy"...helpful. We seem to believe that being happy is the ultimate goal, if we are happy then everything must be pretty decent in our lives, right?! 

Evie Waxman; fellow podcaster, and founder of the raw sweet treats brand, The Raw Bake Station, joins Talina to talk about why being happy all the time is tiring and actually really blooming damaging to your mental health! The bonkers duo discuss why it's a very good idea to accept darker times and feel those shitty feelings, because putting on a sunny positive mask all the time will just make it more and more difficult to deal with your emotions in the future, leading to a bigger build up and an inevitable explosion! 

Evie also stresses the importance of the very simple act of putting yourself first...and painting your face! 

Enjoy this ep and be happy...but not too happy!! xoxo