I mean, come on, this whole Figment Popcorn Bucket thing has gotten out of hand! What can Disney do to keep this type of thing from happening over and over again? Seven hour wait at EPCOT for this at International Festival of the Farts, aka iFarts, or people paying HUNDREDS of dollars for one of this popcorn buckets on eBay? Has the Disney community actually lost it?

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Shop- www.custombowtiquebylisa.com

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IG- https://instagram.com/satisfactualsignco?igshid=b1kn2ksiu4ss
Shop- https://satisfactualsignco.com

Walrus Carp Clothing
IG- https://instagram.com/walruscarpclothing?igshid=5d4odapi3tis
Website- https://walruscarp.com

KP Ear Gear
IG- https://instagram.com/kp_eargear?igshid=1hf72krfmqjuo
Website- https://kpeargear.com/

#mouseearsandmagic #figmentpopcornbucket #EPCOT #iFarts #festivalofthearts #disneymerch