After being MIA for over 6 months, I’ve decided to release several episodes in succession. 

Who is Kat “TK*”?  I am playing around with the concept that I’m a cat, given that I recently had an NDE (Near Death Experience).  I’ve had several NDEs before, and I’m starting to treat life like maybe this is the only one I’ve got left.
A pretty basic concept, eh?  LIFE YOUR LIFE. (What would you add?)

Here are some ideas:
Life Your Life. Like it’s your one and only.
Life Your Life. Like no one’s watching.
Life Your Life. To honor the one and only beautiful You.
Now that you’ve seen my examples, what would you add?
It is the holiday season.  We are all under stress. What I hope you accomplish by listening to this podcast episode is to help you manage your relationships as delicately as possible. 

I’m going to teach you about BESA, a poem, an acronym, and the Spanish word for “kiss.”
Broken plate.
Edge serrate. 
Spiritual guides.
And how to apologize.

Get ready.

You’ll wonder, are you playing in a paradigm that is optimal for you and your relationship?

Or, do you need to shift?  If yes, I’ll give you a model to do so.
Speaking of “play,” the song for this episode is INXS’s “Mediate,” the second mention of this song. So it must be important. Stick around for the end of the show, which is a short 12 and a half minutes. 

At the start of the show, I share a model I learned from John Newton (I encourage you to check out John’s work). This model explains that we have four types of spiritual teachers:

1)  people who install your buttons, 
2)  people who push your buttons, 
3)  people you consider your gurus, and 
4)  you!

Do you notice in the above model, in the first two groups of spiritual teachers mentioned:

Are these likely some of the folks you’ll likely see during the holidays?  
I think so.
*TK is “The Kemp.” Kemp is my middle name, and I went by the middle name “The” for a while.  “The Kemp.” I thought it was fun, and I thought I’d bring it back into play for a little while.
Here are the mantras:

Be aware of broken plates and know that they don't mend on their own.

Saying sorry does not mend broken plates.   

I offer a different template for a more effective apology.

I’m sorry that I did ______
I bet that my doing that made you feel _______
You are precious to me and I don’t want you to feel __________
In the future, I plan to do ___________so that I avoid the problem (that broke the plate).
I love you. Please forgive me. I’m sorry. Thank you.

Greet/encounter people as if they are new to you - even if they are friends and family that are not new to you. People change. 

A powerful way that people can change is through a paradigm shift. I discuss a model I learned about in The Fantastic book The Power of Ted.

Thank you for listening.  Feel free to drop me a note on my contact page or on social media if you have any questions or comments.