May 30 - Stage 6 of the Trans-Sylvania Mountain Bike Epic.

We are bringing you updates on the 2014 Trans-Sylvania Mountain Bike Epic Stage Race. Sue George is writing great, daily press releases for all media that provides readers some great insight and information into the daily races. 


Instead of just reproducing those results onto another website, we wanted to share those with you in an easy format that you could take with you, listen to while you're at work, on the train, or anywhere else sitting down to read an article for 15 minutes isn't convenient. Sue and Trans-Sylvania Mountain Bike Epic are gracious enough to let us produce their press releases into audio for you!


Stage 6 is the "Tussey" stage. Perhaps the most awesome stage of the week, this route is one of the favorites. The 2014 version is a mix of what has come before, combining courses and trails from the first four years of trips through Rothrock State Forest.


New enduro segments on Long Mountain Trail and the never before included Hessick Trail augment the enduro segment count to three. Rocky singletrack lovers will love the scenic Tussey Ridge Trail. 42 miles with 4,883 feet of climbing.