June 2, 2014 - One of James' favorite guys to hear speak in the fitness industry is Gray Cook, one of the guys behind the Functional Movement Screen. Gray has an amazing way of putting complex concepts into simple, easy to understand terms that James really admires.


The other day James was driving around listening to a recorded presentation he had done when he dropped another gem -

Perception drives movement function and movement function drives perception.


This is a very profound concept that James has understood for a while but had trouble explaining to riders. It is so important, though, because it explains how your equipment and bike set up can negatively change how you perform without you even realizing it.


This podcast is part of a larger blog post. The below podcast goes into more detail than the blog post, so we encourage you to listen before drawing too many conclusions from the notes. James has posted his notes and discussion on his blog post. You can read them and get a good feel for what he is trying to explain.


Related Show Links:

Read the full blog post explaining this podcast

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