Mom Business Coach Rosemary Nickel interviews the most inspiring and successful mompenuers. We pull back the curtain, share vulnerable moments with lessons we’ve learned along the way and solid business tips. MOM Radio will leave you saying “I CAN DO IT!”

Cheryl is no stranger to challenges. Adopted at the age of two, shot by a stray bullet at the age of nine, met her biological mother at the age of eighteen and a former pastor's wife for fourteen years, Cheryl knows what it takes to overcome and transform - she started with her own life.

Cheryl's mission involves serving women who have a deep desire to be relevantly visible yet, they are looking for permission, validation and approval. They lack the courage and confidence to show up fully and without concern for what others will think, say or believe about them. These amazing women have a transformational message that can shift the lives of millions, but they second guess who they are and what they've been called to do.

As an internationally acclaimed branding and business consultant and the founder of The Iconic Legacy Boutique, a branding and business consultantcy, Cheryl empowers women to fully embrace both their power and unique value to show up on the world's stage with class, confidence and distinction. She is a multi-award-winning speaker and best selling author who has built an enduring brand based on her public speaking platform and the work she does to help women create brands that are more in line with their values, mission and personal style.

Rosemary Nickel is described as the Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Phil for Moms, offering wonderful parenting advice and valuable motivation for moms who are juggling business and family.  If you're feeling overwhelmed with everything that's going on, you might just need that motivating touch that Rosemary provides in every show.