Mom Business Coach Rosemary Nickel interviews the most inspiring and successful mompenuers. We pull back the curtain, share vulnerable moments with lessons we’ve learned along the way and solid business tips. MOM Radio will leave you saying “I CAN DO IT!”

Melanie VanNuys began her advertising/marketing career as a freelance journalist/writer.

Through the years, she has continued to develop her skills and expand her horizons and now not only continues to write but has also become an effective marketer with a special focus on what social media marketing, local marketing, mobile marketing and content marketing can do for small business.
As she continues to learn and put her skills to use, her client list continues to grow. Her extensive experience includes writing projects of any type: blog posts, newsletters, website content, special reports and eBooks to name a few. Melanie has a special love for all things social media and is constantly watching the ever-changing landscape of the Internet.

From her 15 years of working with a variety of professionals, she knows and understands the challenges that come with running a business and what each small business owner faces on a daily basis. She is able to assess each situation and alleviate the challenges faced.
When not writing articles, newsletters or working on other projects, Melanie enjoys spending time with her two children, her two dogs, traveling and reading a good book when possible.

Rosemary Nickel is described as the Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Phil for Moms, offering wonderful parenting advice and valuable motivation for moms who are juggling business and family.  If you're feeling overwhelmed with everything that's going on, you might just need that motivating touch that Rosemary provides in every show.