About Ally

Ally Bazely is on a journey of self discovery and transformational self healing. She found The Holistic Psychologist in 2019 who talked about self betrayal. This resonated with Ally deeply from her cycle of making and breaking promises to herself - she wanted to break free from this.


It was at this point that she took Dr. Nicole’s advice and started with one small change to her lifestyle - one glass of water each morning for 30 days.

This one small step has changed everything for Ally and she shares her inspirational story.

You don’t want to miss this episode. It is so inspiring to hear from someone who has walked the walk and not some abstract concepts from above.

Episode highlights

Exploring our inner worlds with curiosity and kindness not judgment.

How Ally had been stuck in the cycle of making and breaking promises to herself.

Ally desired to make change but didn’t know where to start until she came across a post by the Holistic Psychologist on Instagram around self betrayal.

How Ally started small with one glass of water and stuck with this before adding anything else into the mix.

The power in celebrating our wins and resting in the moment of success without our minds wandering to the next thing.

Ally’s journey of self worth and self love.

How Ally’s childhood and emotional capacity as an adult can be seen through this lens of her childhood experience.

Ally’s skills to ground herself in the moment.

Inner child work and connecting with her desires and what lights up her soul.

How Ally’s healing journey has not been linear but how she continues, despite missteps, and finds her path again without giving up.

Relevant links

The Holistic Psychologist's instagram

Ally's Instagram

How to subscribe and review

If you liked this episode of the Mothering the Mother Podcast, tell your friends, please! And please go to iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/mothering-the-mother-podcast/id1446253273) and SoundCloud (https://soundcloud.com/user-598342093) to rate/review/subscribe to the show. it really helps to get the Podcast out there and before more people and it also makes my heart sing when I read reviews - I do read every single review and am so grateful - thank you.


As a little thank you for taking the time to leave a review, I am offering a free coaching call to one lucky reviewer each month. 



Please do share the Podcast on social media if you enjoyed the episode – I am so grateful for all of you who share the podcast with your community and followers - let's try and reach new mamas so I can serve more people. You can you use the hashtag #motheringthemother which makes it easier for me to find you. I appreciate you all so much.

Mothering the Mother Facebook group and Instagram

Join my community on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/alison_barker_/), join over 200 other mamas on the Facebook group the Mothering the Mother (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1885649551488600/)



Yoga Nidra Retreat in London on 14 March 2020

Join Alison for her first Whole Mama Yoga Nidra Retreat in London

You can read more about the retreat here (https://www.alisonbarker.com/whole-mama-day-retreat-1)

Standard Tickets on sale are £120


The information and reference guides in this podcast are intended solely for the general information for the reader/listener. The contents of this podcast are not intended to offer personal medical advice, diagnose health problems or for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your health care provider for any advice on medications.

The materials contained on this podcast are provided for general information purposes only and do not constitute legal or other professional advice on any subject matter. Alison Barker does not accept any responsibility for any loss, which may arise from reliance on information contained on this site.