It's common to hear about health and it is mostly about what you're eating. You could eat the PERFECT diet and you could still have poor overall health and develop disease if these 6 other things are not in order.
In addition to what you eat, your health is determined by:
1) Sleep
2) Water (& quality)
3) Emotional Health
4) Spiritual Health
5) Your environment
6) Physical health (more than just exercise!)

It's common to hear about health and it is mostly about what you're eating. You could eat the PERFECT diet and you could still have poor overall health and develop disease if these 6 other things are not in order.

In addition to what you eat, your health is determined by:

1) Sleep

2) Water (& quality)

3) Emotional Health

4) Spiritual Health

5) Your environment

6) Physical health (more than just exercise!)