In today’s episode, Amanda Cunningham shares the moving story of her two very distinct birth experiences. During her first pregnancy, she was euphoric and felt a profound spiritual connection to her son but after he was born, the separation triggered a severe postpartum loneliness which lasted for eighteen months. And after struggling with the decision of her readiness to have another child, her daughter was born with an undetected, random form of Down Syndrome.

Amanda’s feelings during her postpartum depression overwhelmed her and took a toll on her marriage. She found relief in a prescription of progesterone and the understanding that she was could affect how she allowed her feelings to affect her. Acknowledging her feelings empowered her to move forward and take the actions necessary to heal.

We talk about the extremely complicated emotions she faced after their daughters unexpected Down Syndrome diagnosis, how different she felt about her pregnancies, and how she came to terms with it all.

In This Episode:

Feeling spiritually connected to an unborn child
Experiencing extreme loneliness during postpartum
Taking progesterone during a postpartum transition
The expectations of others
How to know when you are ready to conceive again after a difficult postpartum transition
Severe, long-lasting illness during pregnancy
The three types of Down Syndrome
Being introduced to a diagnosis rather than a child
The unexpected mourning of what may never be
The benefits of a grief counselor
How to get a free one-month trial of guided meditations through Expectful

Show Notes:

@RoryBlakeisGreat on Instagram

The Down Syndrome Diagnostic Network

Expectful — One Month Free Trial for MotherBirth Community Members