In today’s episode, we discuss the spiritual, mental, and emotional transitions women go through on their motherhood journey. Dr. Katayune Kaeni — aka Dr. Kat — joins us to share the traumatic personal experience that led her to specialize in maternal mental health and how she helps women to prepare for and heal from the under-discussed challenges mothers face.

When Dr. Kat experienced postpartum depression after the birth of her first child, she was unsure exactly what was happening. Like many women, she felt ashamed, embarrassed and didn’t open up about what she was experiencing. And as a psychologist, she thought she should be able to figure it out on her own.

During our conversation, we learn about how Dr. Kat started her healing process with energy work and whole body healing, how she empowers women to answer the ‘what if’ questions, and the many different ways our motherhood journeys change us.

In This Episode:

Why many women are silent about their postpartum anxiety
How women can ask for support from a partner or their community
The limited support mothers receive through social structures
Depression assessments
The relationship between the motherhood journey and the mental health journey
Energy work and whole body healing
The unexpected ways healing occurs
How to separate what is happening to you from who you are
Creating an adjustable set of expectations for friends and family
How to get a free one-month trial of guided meditations through Expectful

Show Notes:

The Mom & Mind Podcast

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