Previous Episode: Compassion | Psalm 116:1-9
Next Episode: Ephesians 4:4-6

As Renaut returns from vacation, we return to the book of Ephesians. In the midst of one of the most divided times in our culture and communities in recent history, Paul calls believers through the book of Ephesians to be unified in Christ, while maintaining the beauty of our diversities.
Though our differences often seem to create disunity, the Gospel provides a hope that indeed we will see God’s power within us produce a beautiful unity in diversity that shouts the Gospel to the world.

As Renaut returns from vacation, we return to the book of Ephesians. In the midst of one of the most divided times in our culture and communities in recent history, Paul calls believers through the book of Ephesians to be unified in Christ, while maintaining the beauty of our diversities.

Though our differences often seem to create disunity, the Gospel provides a hope that indeed we will see God’s power within us produce a beautiful unity in diversity that shouts the Gospel to the world.