In this episode, we delve into the crucial aspects of growing your mortgage brokerage business. With my expertise, honed since 2003 and enriched by guiding over 700 financial service advisers, I share invaluable insights tailored for mortgage advisers at different stages of their professional journey.

In this episode, you'll uncover:

The Growth Journey: Learn about the three pivotal phases of a mortgage brokerage's evolution. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or leading a small team, this episode provides a clear roadmap for your next steps. Phase 1 - The Startup Challenge: Discover essential strategies for new advisors focusing on lead generation. I share personal anecdotes and effective tactics on networking, social media mastery, and the transformative 'power of one' approach.

Phase 2 - Team Expansion and Scaling: Transitioning from solo to a team-based model comes with its unique set of challenges. I break down how to build your team, starting with key hires, and navigating the unpredictability of growth.

Phase 3 - Embracing the Business Owner Role: Moving beyond day-to-day advising to a managerial role is a significant leap. Drawing parallels from the Rocky movies, I discuss the mindset shift necessary to enjoy success through your team's achievements.

Community Engagement: I invite you to share your journey in the comments. Are you in phase 1, 2, or 3? Let's build a community of growth and learning together!

We hope you enjoyed today's episode; please subscribe, rate and review the show on your favourite platform. 

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