More pain at the pump for BC consumers - analysts say the new normal is $1.60 to $1.70 a litre, and if the U-S goes ahead with a threat to impose new sanctions on Iranian oil and the Iran retaliates, well, much higher prices will follow, to the point where the current price of $1.72 will seem like a bargain.

John Horgan is pointing the fingers of blame towards the federal government for not doing more to stop price-gouging by gas companies.

A few moments ago, we caught up with Dan McTeague (TAIG) from He says B.C.’s governments need to accept the bulk of responsibility.

Our Niki Reitmayer is spending her morning touring gas stations in Metro Vancouver. Here’s what people having been telling her as they fill up their tanks.

So this may have you wondering: does all this mean you’re going to have to pay more for your groceries? Is it costing more to ship all the things you buy to your local retailer?

Well, not quite. Dave Earle is the President and CEO of the BC Trucking Association and he’s here to tell us why.


Guest: Dave Earle

President and CEO, BC Trucking Association

More pain at the pump for BC consumers - analysts say the new normal is $1.60 to $1.70 a litre, and if the U-S goes ahead with a threat to impose new sanctions on Iranian oil and the Iran retaliates, well, much higher prices will follow, to the point where the current price of $1.72 will seem like a bargain.

John Horgan is pointing the fingers of blame towards the federal government for not doing more to stop price-gouging by gas companies.

A few moments ago, we caught up with Dan McTeague (TAIG) from He says B.C.’s governments need to accept the bulk of responsibility.

Our Niki Reitmayer is spending her morning touring gas stations in Metro Vancouver. Here’s what people having been telling her as they fill up their tanks.

So this may have you wondering: does all this mean you’re going to have to pay more for your groceries? Is it costing more to ship all the things you buy to your local retailer?

Well, not quite. Dave Earle is the President and CEO of the BC Trucking Association and he’s here to tell us why.


Guest: Dave Earle

President and CEO, BC Trucking Association